Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Causes of Hair Loss in Women: Help! I Don’t Have to Tear My Hair Out Anymore – It’s All Over My Sink!We lose hair everyday, 100-150 strands actually, simply from brushing and manipulating. If you have long hair, this can look like a lot, but, considering the amount of hair on a head, it’s a tiny amount. If hair is coming out in clumps, or you notice circular patches of balding spots, however, there is definitely a problem, and treatment will be based upon the specific cause.The following causes should be investigated if you are experiencing more-than-normal hair loss:1. Diet: An unbalanced diet, especially one without enough protein, can cause temporary hair loss. Women who are anemic often experience loss.2. Menopause: Because of the change in hormones during this period, hair loss can escalate, and, unfortunately, this can be permanent. 3. Frequent Shampooing: Shampoos contain a lathering ingredient called surfactant. This can be irritating to the scalp and cause itching and scratching, thus increased hair loss.4. Improper Care: If you manipulate your hair too much, color and treat too much, blow dry and heat with curling irons and hot rollers too much, you will see increased hair loss. You need only to look at your bathroom floor, sink and countertops to notice this. Slow down!5. Psychological/Physiological Stress: Increased hair loss can occur with pregnancies, major surgery, or a major life event, such as a death or divorce. These causes are temporary and hair growth will return to normal eventually.6. Heredity: Heredity plays a part and comes from both sides of the family.7. Other Health Conditions: Thyroid problems, lupus, and diabetes can accelerate hair loss. Obviously, these need to be diagnosed by a physician.8. Alopecia Areata: This is an autoimmune condition characterized by circular patches of baldness. Basically, the body is attacking the hair follicles. Cortisone shots in the affected areas are required, and the earlier the better.Take heart. There’s a lot of research going on which may soon resolve most of the causes of hair loss in women. However, there is a great product that has been proven effective. It is called Provillus. Provillus is an oral supplement, which works to block DHT, a form oftestosterone that is responsible for 95 percent of hair loss. It also works to stimulate the scalp and bring dead follicles back to life. You can use Provillus as a preventative tool, starting the program before hair loss becomes severe, or you can use it after DHT has already begun to take hold of your hair and scalp.

Hair Loss Solution

If you are losing your hair, you know that the process doesn't simply affect the way you look; it can also affect the way you feel about yourself. If you are interested in slowing down the results of male pattern baldness and stimulating new hair growth, then you're ready for the amazing results of Provillus.
The majority of products on the market make use of a variety of chemicals that can have harmful side effects and actually cause damage to your hair and scalp. Moreover, most of these chemicals are inconsistent at best when it comes to stopping hair loss. Provillus, a safe and all-natural hair loss solution, blocks the hormone DHT, which has been linked to 95 percent of hair loss. It also provides your scalp with nutrients that are essential to stimulating hair growth.
Saw palmetto, an essential active ingredient in Provillus, is one of the few natural substances that have been approved by the FDA for use in hair loss programs. When you use our hair loss supplements, the saw palmetto will lower DHT levels by blocking receptor sites on cell membranes. As DHT levels subside, hair loss will subside as well.
Along with saw palmetto, Provillus utilizes vitamins such as B6 and natural extracts that provide your scalp and hair follicles with vital nutrients. This means that you will not only keep the hair you have, you can actually gain back some of the hair you have lost! The process is easy and effective. We have had so much success with our product that we are willing to give you a money back guarantee when you order. Why wait another day when you can have healthy hair with Provillus?
For more information visit CLICK HERE
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